Sunday, March 6, 2016

The start of something new: Whole 30 day ONE!!

Day one is done! I survived my first day on whole 30. Jumping into today, I was thankful for meal planning. Honestly, if I hadn't, I don't even think I would have gotten through one day! Sunday's are a little different because I need to get the kids ready for church and make something for church lunch since we all eat together. I used to eat cereal EVERY morning, so now this means making two meals and getting out the door at 10. Luckily, our church had catered food today. This was good and bad. Good because I just needed something for myself, but bad because I wanted to eat All. The. Food! I made it past my first temptations, and stuck with my salad with eggs, homemade raspberry vinaigrette, blueberries, raspberries, and carrots.

Later in the day, I was starving so Isabelle and I ate half a rotisserie chicken.

Finally, the best for last. I made roasted sweet potatoes with clarified butter and salt, and Mexican tuna boats! Best meal so far. (It's basically guacamole mixed with tuna fish and scooped onto lettuce.) Erik and I both loved it, and it was the first time feeling full all day.

Ending the day, I am feeling excited and feeling like a superwoman! Another part of me is dreading breakfast because I am just not used to putting much time, thought, and energy into that.

Homemade raspberry vinaigrette

Sweet potato and Mexican tuna boats

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