Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Barefoot and pregnant!

Many of you know that being pregnant, your feet can change sizes. They can swell up, or literally grow, thus making shoes very uncomfortable. I just bought a pair of shoes...and did they ever feel amazing having a pair of shoes that were comfortable and that fit!

Today, I found out a different solution other than buying! Someone posted a picture of barefoot sandals today. I have never seen them before, but they are cute! Here is the picture my friend posted today.

Photo: If you love me you can buy these for me ;) barefoot sandles                                                       I thought these were super cute, and really fun! I started searching through pictures of barefoot sandals and found some cool ideas. I decided to make my own! Now I can be barefoot and pregnant all the time :) least in the house.
I decided to go for the beaded look mainly because I have no idea how to crochet! 

Here is what I made:

          They are not perfect, but it was a fun first try! I only broke 2...actually maybe 3 needles in the process, and almost gave up after the first one, but I did it! 


Monday, July 2, 2012

New friends: Lots of fun :)

In the neighborhood we live in, there is a doctor and his family right around the corner. They have 7 kids; 4 girls, and 3 boys. Today, 2 of the girls (who are both adopted from China) came over to hang out! We decided to make delicious rice crispy treats and watch a movie (Despicable Me). 
Here are some pictures from our lovely afternoon together!
Getting our supplies ready! 

They were so excited!

Mmmm marshmallows!

We also added in a half cup of vanilla cake mix! YUM!

Shannon and I!

We mixed sprinkles into the mix...

And added more on top!

Doesn't it look good!

If you take a trip to Memphis, I'll make some for you too!