Monday, November 19, 2012

House Church

When we moved here in June, we joined a house church. This is the first time I have been in a house church so I wanted to share my experience with you. 

Moving somewhere new is a big thing. It can also be very difficult if you don't know anyone, if you live far from family, and if you don't know how to fit in or meet people. It is important to find out ways to connect with people in a new place. When we moved here, we knew we would be joining a house church there...and it has has been the best part of us moving here. 

If you read my first post, you know a little bit about this church. I believe there are 9 house churches that live in the neighborhoods in Memphis. Once a month all the house churches get together at one big service. The other 3 times a month we go to our own house church and then share a potluck meal together. One of the unique things about this church is that most of the other people in the church are also your neighbors. 

The people in this group of house churches decided to move into the inner city memphis which consists of several neighborhoods. One of the neighborhoods is called, "Binghampton". This is the one that Erik and I live in! There were some christian doctors that started clinics in the inner city of Memphis and then decided that they wanted to also move into the neighborhoods where the clinics were to have a bigger impact on those communities. So a lot of people eventually started moving into these neighborhoods and started house churches in those neighborhoods. So we live in binghampton and our house church is in this block from where we live. 

Most of the people in my house church also live in binghampton. One of those people is Jennifer. She also moved here in June and was pregnant. She had a baby boy about 6 weeks before I had Isabelle. Her husband is an intern this year with Erik, so naturally with those two big things in common we became good friends...and she lives 2 blocks away! Another member of our church just finished her residency and moved here to work in the clinic a few blocks from our house...she is a Pediatrician, and now she is Isabelle's pediatrician! She also moved into the neighborhood and lives across the street from Jen. 

When I first moved here, I joined a small group with Jen and another girl, Lynsi. Lynsi and her husband also live two blocks away but go to a different house church. Before Jen and I had our babies, the 3 of us would get together weekly to pray together and talk about the scripture passages we were reading through (we read the same portion during the week). 

There are 3 house churches in Binghampton, so there are several more people and families that live walking distance away. I find it really cool that when I go on walks in the evening with Erik, we usually see several people we know outside. 

I really have had such an easier time with adjusting to a new place because of the great people that are here. Before Isabelle was born, some people from one of the house churches (not even my house church), threw Jen and I a baby shower...and after she was born, people from our church brought us food every couple days for 2 weeks! It has been such a huge blessing to get welcomed into this church and into this community. I am so thankful to God that Erik and I get to be a part of it now :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Welcome to the World, Isabelle!

I know it has been a month now, but Isabelle is here! She arrived on 10/11/12 at 2:26 pm. She weighed 7lbs. 6ozs. She decided to take her time, so I was induced at 41 weeks. 

I came in at 5am and the Pitocin was started a little after 6. I was 2-3 cm and 80% effaced when I came in. At 9, my Dr. came in and broke my water; I was dilated 4 cm and 90% effaced. 

I decided I wanted to see how long I could go without an epidural. I had a bag packed of things Erik and I could try to distract me: socks with tennis balls for massage, a handheld massager, good smelling lotion, music, a Bible, pictures...and a lot handouts with different positions to try. Erik was great! He was very encouraging and had me try different things. After the Dr. broke my water, she told me she would check on me at noon. I was trying to make it to noon so I could see how things were progressing, but by 11:30 my contractions were about a minute apart, and I was losing my desire to wait. At about 11:45 I gave in and requested the epidural! I was 5cm at that point. I got the epidural by noon, and it was effective about 10 minutes later. 

After the epidural, I felt great! I no longer cared how long the labor would last...but I was still hoping by midnight so she would have the cool birthday :)

At about 2 probably, I noticed the baby's heartbeat go down, and I asked Erik if it really did...right about then my nurse came in and she said she wanted to check me because she thought something was happening. She checked me and then asked if I was ready to have a baby! I was in shock! I was 10 cm and 100% effaced, and I was now ready to start pushing! I asked how she knew, and she said when the baby is further down into the birth canal, their heartbeat can go down.

The nurse and Erik then both helped me to start pushing. They both were so encouraging. Soon, she had crowned! They had a mirror in the delivery room so I was able to watch her crown :)

The dr. then came in and I pushed 2 more times and then was able to hold my beautiful baby! 

I loved the hospital I delivered in. Everyone was great, and made it a really good experience!

A month old :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

3 weeks!

On my trip back to MI, I was asked my Aunt Bette if she had missed any blogs lately...I think that was her subtle way of telling me that I need to write another update! But, of course, I have so much that I have been working on (cleaning the house, getting everything ready for baby, doing all my duties as a housewife)...well actually it has been more like sleeping, eating, taking a nap, taking the dog for a walk, resting...yeah I really should have updated sooner!

I am now less than 3 weeks away from the due date (October 4th, two days after Erik's birthday). I have been telling Erik, "I'm not ready yet!" When he asks me why I'm not ready my answer is always because of something I feel like I need to have before baby comes. "I just need to order baby wipes...then maybe I'll be ready." "I just need burp cloths, and then she can come." So after slowly collecting the essentials, I came home from the mall and told Erik, "OK, I'm ready. I have what I need so she can come now." It was a pretty exciting moment :) I don't think it is quite true, but it was still a good moment for me. I still want to get Isabelle's room more organized, and my house cleaned real good...but it's a long process when I really don't have the energy!

My pregnancy has been a pretty good one...that is compared to what I have seen other people go through. It isn't without my complaints (Why didn't anyone tell me how hard being pregnant is and all the weird things about being pregnant? Maybe they didn't, but I didn't listen!) The first trimester I had some nausea and a couple of near fainting spells, but mostly I was just tired. I would get home from nursing class and sleep for 2 hours before studying. The second trimester was even more nausea and slightly more energy. Finally, into the third trimester, and I think I'm just tired of being pregnant! The slightly more energy went back to no energy, but now I'm bigger and it's harder harder to move and my baby girl won't keep her feet and but away from my ribs! I started having issues with insomnia...some nights I fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night and can't turn my mind off. I also have been having back fun. This week it has been better, but some days it can be pretty bad. So now that I have complained enough about being pregnant, I am really thankful that I haven't had any major issues. No swelling, (My Dr. Looked at my ankles and said, "Good! No Cankles!", no blood pressure issues, baby is growing well and moving a lot still. I have a lot to be thankful for.

I try to walk every day...hoping this helps with the labor, and with her coming sooner than later! My dog really helps motivate me to do this even when I really don't want to!

So, now is the waiting game. She could come anytime from now to 4 weeks, and I am so excited that I will be holding my baby girl soon :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Emily visits Memphis!

My dear friend Emily decided to visit us a few weeks ago! She traveled the whole 13+ hours in one day by herself...without air conditioning, and the added bonus of poison ivy that drove her crazy the whole drive down. Wow, she loves me a lot! She was here for 3 days, and we saw a lot!

We decided to have a picnic in the park that looks out onto the Mississippi. Isn't it beautiful!
And you can't go to Memphis without doing a trolley ride that takes you around the city...but she didn't want her picture taken! Too bad :)

Then we went to the pink palace museum. This was the mansion of Clarence Saunders. He started the first Piggly Wiggly which was the first self-service grocery store!

Next up was one of the art museums they have here. Brooks museum of art...ohhh Emily :)

One of the days she was here we went to the zoo. I LOVE this zoo! It's only 5 minutes from our house, and it has great exhibits! Some of my favorites: the Panda bears, the Tigers, and the huge Komodo dragons. We also made it in time for the Sea Lion show which was quite adorable.

We didn't have time to go inside and tour every place so we did some drive by sight-seeing. We made a quick stop at the Sun Studios: This is where B.B. King, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash recorded some of their music.

We also stopped by the National Civil Rights Museum which is where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. We didn't go through the museum while she was here, but Erik and I went with our parents when we moved here. We were very impacted by it.

Finally, we went to see the house of Elvis Presley at Graceland. We didn't go through it, but we got pictures in front of it, and in front of his airplane!

We also went to a backyard concert. That was a first for me. It was a concert that was literally in the backyard of someone's house. You bring your own chair and drinks and sit in their yard and enjoy! It was 2 blocks from my house and it was quite enjoyable.

We had a fun few days, and I sure hope the drive was worth it to her!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Barefoot and pregnant!

Many of you know that being pregnant, your feet can change sizes. They can swell up, or literally grow, thus making shoes very uncomfortable. I just bought a pair of shoes...and did they ever feel amazing having a pair of shoes that were comfortable and that fit!

Today, I found out a different solution other than buying! Someone posted a picture of barefoot sandals today. I have never seen them before, but they are cute! Here is the picture my friend posted today.

Photo: If you love me you can buy these for me ;) barefoot sandles                                                       I thought these were super cute, and really fun! I started searching through pictures of barefoot sandals and found some cool ideas. I decided to make my own! Now I can be barefoot and pregnant all the time :) least in the house.
I decided to go for the beaded look mainly because I have no idea how to crochet! 

Here is what I made:

          They are not perfect, but it was a fun first try! I only broke 2...actually maybe 3 needles in the process, and almost gave up after the first one, but I did it! 


Monday, July 2, 2012

New friends: Lots of fun :)

In the neighborhood we live in, there is a doctor and his family right around the corner. They have 7 kids; 4 girls, and 3 boys. Today, 2 of the girls (who are both adopted from China) came over to hang out! We decided to make delicious rice crispy treats and watch a movie (Despicable Me). 
Here are some pictures from our lovely afternoon together!
Getting our supplies ready! 

They were so excited!

Mmmm marshmallows!

We also added in a half cup of vanilla cake mix! YUM!

Shannon and I!

We mixed sprinkles into the mix...

And added more on top!

Doesn't it look good!

If you take a trip to Memphis, I'll make some for you too!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tour of our new Home!

We moved into our house 3 weeks ago, and it is already becoming our home! I don't have all the boxes unpacked, but I am nearly there! We hope you enjoy the pictures! And notice...Rocky wanted all the attention :)

Living room
Living room
Living room

Our bedroom

Our Bedroom

Our bedroom

Dining room



Back hallway

Office/extra bedroom


Second bathroom

Mud room/Rocky's room

Laundry room behind the curtain

Main bathroom

Main bathroom 

Isabelle's room/guest bedroom

Isabelle's room/guest bedroom

Isabelle's room/guest bedroom

Our house

Our backyard