Thursday, November 15, 2012

Welcome to the World, Isabelle!

I know it has been a month now, but Isabelle is here! She arrived on 10/11/12 at 2:26 pm. She weighed 7lbs. 6ozs. She decided to take her time, so I was induced at 41 weeks. 

I came in at 5am and the Pitocin was started a little after 6. I was 2-3 cm and 80% effaced when I came in. At 9, my Dr. came in and broke my water; I was dilated 4 cm and 90% effaced. 

I decided I wanted to see how long I could go without an epidural. I had a bag packed of things Erik and I could try to distract me: socks with tennis balls for massage, a handheld massager, good smelling lotion, music, a Bible, pictures...and a lot handouts with different positions to try. Erik was great! He was very encouraging and had me try different things. After the Dr. broke my water, she told me she would check on me at noon. I was trying to make it to noon so I could see how things were progressing, but by 11:30 my contractions were about a minute apart, and I was losing my desire to wait. At about 11:45 I gave in and requested the epidural! I was 5cm at that point. I got the epidural by noon, and it was effective about 10 minutes later. 

After the epidural, I felt great! I no longer cared how long the labor would last...but I was still hoping by midnight so she would have the cool birthday :)

At about 2 probably, I noticed the baby's heartbeat go down, and I asked Erik if it really did...right about then my nurse came in and she said she wanted to check me because she thought something was happening. She checked me and then asked if I was ready to have a baby! I was in shock! I was 10 cm and 100% effaced, and I was now ready to start pushing! I asked how she knew, and she said when the baby is further down into the birth canal, their heartbeat can go down.

The nurse and Erik then both helped me to start pushing. They both were so encouraging. Soon, she had crowned! They had a mirror in the delivery room so I was able to watch her crown :)

The dr. then came in and I pushed 2 more times and then was able to hold my beautiful baby! 

I loved the hospital I delivered in. Everyone was great, and made it a really good experience!

A month old :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks like such a happy baby! Thanks for posting this, Laura. :)
