Saturday, September 15, 2012

3 weeks!

On my trip back to MI, I was asked my Aunt Bette if she had missed any blogs lately...I think that was her subtle way of telling me that I need to write another update! But, of course, I have so much that I have been working on (cleaning the house, getting everything ready for baby, doing all my duties as a housewife)...well actually it has been more like sleeping, eating, taking a nap, taking the dog for a walk, resting...yeah I really should have updated sooner!

I am now less than 3 weeks away from the due date (October 4th, two days after Erik's birthday). I have been telling Erik, "I'm not ready yet!" When he asks me why I'm not ready my answer is always because of something I feel like I need to have before baby comes. "I just need to order baby wipes...then maybe I'll be ready." "I just need burp cloths, and then she can come." So after slowly collecting the essentials, I came home from the mall and told Erik, "OK, I'm ready. I have what I need so she can come now." It was a pretty exciting moment :) I don't think it is quite true, but it was still a good moment for me. I still want to get Isabelle's room more organized, and my house cleaned real good...but it's a long process when I really don't have the energy!

My pregnancy has been a pretty good one...that is compared to what I have seen other people go through. It isn't without my complaints (Why didn't anyone tell me how hard being pregnant is and all the weird things about being pregnant? Maybe they didn't, but I didn't listen!) The first trimester I had some nausea and a couple of near fainting spells, but mostly I was just tired. I would get home from nursing class and sleep for 2 hours before studying. The second trimester was even more nausea and slightly more energy. Finally, into the third trimester, and I think I'm just tired of being pregnant! The slightly more energy went back to no energy, but now I'm bigger and it's harder harder to move and my baby girl won't keep her feet and but away from my ribs! I started having issues with insomnia...some nights I fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night and can't turn my mind off. I also have been having back fun. This week it has been better, but some days it can be pretty bad. So now that I have complained enough about being pregnant, I am really thankful that I haven't had any major issues. No swelling, (My Dr. Looked at my ankles and said, "Good! No Cankles!", no blood pressure issues, baby is growing well and moving a lot still. I have a lot to be thankful for.

I try to walk every day...hoping this helps with the labor, and with her coming sooner than later! My dog really helps motivate me to do this even when I really don't want to!

So, now is the waiting game. She could come anytime from now to 4 weeks, and I am so excited that I will be holding my baby girl soon :)